Stimulates your energy centres/Chakras helping to bring harmony to the mind, body and spirit. Very useful stone for those who suffer from sudden lows &...
AmazoniteHelps one to analyse & sort out information & combine the process with intuitive wisdom. Helps balance the feminine & masculine energy. It promotes kindness & practicality. Known as...
Amber is a powerful healer & cleanser of the body, mind, spirit & the environment. Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system...
Amethyst A stone of spiritually and contentment, is highly powerful and protecting stone. Excellent for meditation, bestows strength, invigoration and peace. It helps overcome addictions...
Stimulates the intellect & rids the Aura of negative energy. Helps you recognize the divinity within all, thus eliminating prejudice. Helps to release old programs...
Stone of attunement and beauty, excellent for cleaning auras. Angel aura can bring one to higher realms of meditation, facilitating conscious connections with angels, spirit...
Clearing and purifying your auric field. Offering protection from negativity. Helping you to expand your consciousness, connecting into other dimensions for guidance for your journey. ...
Apache Tear Strong stone for grounding and protection. Helps to clear negative emotions that may be holding you back. Said to absorb negative energy making...
Helps with developing Psychic Abilities & Spiritual Growth. An aid to help supress hunger & heal bones & cartilage, it also soothes headaches & vertigo...
Produced through a special process in which the surface of the crystal quartz is bonded with vaporized, finely powdered pure gold. This results in a...
Energetic potent stone of self-knowledge & self-acceptance that infuses your entire system with light & well being. It assists you to recognize self love &...
A stone of strength and energy, aiding with health and passion, giving courage to help with facing unpleasant tasks. Helping with support of unjust situations....
A stone of protection. Guards against negativity, energy vampires, anger & aggression. A stone of prosperity, good fortune, luck & success. A guardian stone. Grounding...
A very powerful & creative stone. It increases self-control. Helps with facing up to one’s true self. Corrects imbalances. Protects against negative energies. Providing support...
Shiva Lingam Stone Found in holy sites of India. Representing both male & female energies. Combining all of The elements, Earth, Water, Air & Stone....
Symbolises justice. Imparts strength & courage. Healing stone, balances the Base Chakra. Helping with the circulation of all energy in the body, helping to remove energy...
Provides protection, security & safety by dissolving internal tensions. Helps with the treatment of disorders of the nervous system, soothing to those who are lonely,...
It was believed to prevent ill fortune. It will also help soothe skin inflammations, burns, & rashes. Use to help establish a routine for disorganized...
A powerful energy generator. A lucky gemstone, great for Providing Composure. Good for stabilising of emotions. Giving energy. Helps to remove or repel unwanted entities...
Helps to calm and dissolve anger. Aids in keeping a peaceful mind and has an energy that soothes tension and anxiety. Great for Insomnia and making sleep more peaceful. Howlite...
A calming, uplifting stone. Strengthens the throat Chakra & encourages peace. Use wherever there is a build up of painful or irritated energy. Gives a...
High Energy yet, subtle stone aids in removing blocked energy in the Meridians & Chakras. Assists emotions through the transitions of Changes, engendering persistence & strengthening emotions. ...
Blue Quartz crystal is a soothing, stress-relief stone. It assists in the ability to reach out to others. It relieves fear, calms the mind, inspires...
Provides protection, security and safety by dissolving internal tensions. Has been used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. It has also been an aid...
An old soul stone. A stone of deep forgiveness. Works with the White Flame of pure consciousness. Offering calmness in times of pressure. Offering grounding...
Crystal of strength & vitality. Brings mental clarity, focus, tranquility & wholeness. Use as a worry stone to take advantage of its calming & nurturing...
Protective and grounding. Helping to restore harmony and self confidence in situations where you feel overwhelmed or powerless. Increases self esteem, inspires courtesy, help and...
Promote a sense of balance while cleansing the surrounding energy. It fortifies strength & confidence & feelings of self-worth. Used to center & ground physical...
A stone of strength & courage. Allows the opportunity for stability through all changes in life. A crystal for grounding, helping you connect into the...
Brown Leopardskin Jasper Associated with strength and vitality. In times of crises this stone offers stability. A healing stone for people with chronic health issues....
Bumble Bee Jasper activates the sacral & solar plexus chakras, helping you to accept change, & find new opportunities. Helps to increase your self-esteem & make...
Calcite Blue A stone of spirituality and wisdom. Calcite protects, grounds and centres you, bringing inner peace. Excellent for learning it promotes creativity, imagination, prosperity...
It’s gentle energies dissolve all resistance. Release fear & grief from the past that is trapping you. Assist in developing Self-Worth & Self-Acceptance. Heal nervous...
Carnelian A stabilizing stone with high energy. Excellent for restoring motivation and stimulating creativity. Full of life force and vitality. Stimulates the metabolism, can help...
A good luck stone. Associated with intuition, awareness, confidence & optimism. Turns negative thoughts into positive energy. Blue - aids communication, public speaking & action....
Cats Eye: Purple – Brings happiness and serenity, can relive headaches. A good luck stone. Associated with intuition, awareness, confidence & optimism. Turns negative thoughts into positive...
Offers a gentle & uplifting energy. An elevating crystal that makes one feel as though floating. Helps with mental capacity for inspiration, learning skills &...
Absorbs negative energy & dissipates it. Harmonizing the mind, body & spirit. Helps increase physical energy. Promoting brotherhood & good will. Eases self-doubt. Creates openness...
An emotional pain healer. Great for the release anger and tension. A wonderful stone for the heart Chakra. Can help with concentration and is fantastic...
Enhancing both intuition and physical vision. Use to help remove resistance to change. Creates a strong field around yourself. Strengthening and enhancing qualities of quartz...
A stone of good fortune, wealth and friendship. Helps with new beginning's, offering hope and a fresh new outlook. Offering feelings of happiness. Helps with...
Helps to enable access to Akashic records. Great for promoting peaceful dreams. Can bring stability to ones life where there has been pain, giving one...