Chakra Chip Bracelet

Happiness Heals

Circumference: 170mm

Clear Quartz

Known as the “master healer”. Clear Quartz amplifies energy & thought, as well as

amplifying the effect of other crystals. Clear Quartz absorbs, releases & regulates energy and draws off negative energy of all kinds. Balances & revitalises the physical, mental,
emotional & spiritual planes. Enhances your psychic abilities It aids in concentration & unlocks memory.


A stone of spiritually & contentment, is highly powerful & protecting stone. Excellent for meditation, bestows strength, invigoration & peace. It helps overcome addictions &
blockages, enhances memory & improves motivation, enabling you to set more realistic goals. Helps with insomnia, if placed into your pillow case.


Clears up mental confusion & establishes inner peace. Strengthens the power of the mind over body. Helps eliminate fear & guilt. Frees us from old behaviour patterns that no longer serve us. Helps us to get along with others.

Green Aventurine

Has a stabilizing effect on emotions. Increases ability for self-development & strengthens self-confidence. A power stone, excellent for attracting abundance & wealth. A stone of opportunity, of chance or luck. Great for gridding.

Orange Calcite

Strong energizing & cleansing properties. Balancing emotions, removing fear, helps with
overcoming depression. Dissolves problems standing in the way of achieving your best potential. Alleviates intestinal, gallbladder disorders. Helps with healing the reproductive system.


A stabilizing stone with high energy. Excellent for restoring motivation & stimulating creativity. Full of life force & vitality. Stimulates the metabolism, can help with back problems, rheumatism, arthritis & depression. If one feels insecure can help them come into their own.


A very powerful grounding stone. Enhances personal optimism, will & courage. Can help clear your mind, Can help you with sorting things out, stimulating concentration & focus.

Collections: Jewellery

Catégorie: Green Aventurine, Hematite, Jewellery, Orange Calcite, Sodalite

Types de produits: Bracelet


*Applies to Aust Retail Only