Chakra Rings set

Happiness Heals

Carnelian - A stabilizing stone with high energy.  Excellent for restoring motivation & stimulating creativity.  Full of life force & vitality.  Stimulates the metabolism, can help with back problems, rheumatism, arthritis & depression. If one feels insecure  can help them come into their own.

Peridot - A stone of lightness, joy & beauty. Enhances confidence, assertion, growth & change.  Sharpens & opens the mind to new levels of awareness. Enables you to take responsibility for your own life. Banishes lethargy, apathy & exhaustion. Strengthens the immune system, metabolism & benefits the skin. Aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, liver, spleen & intestinal tract.  Helps to overcome hypochondria. August birthstone.

Sapphire - A stone of prosperity & wisdom, Sapphire sustains life force & attracts joy & peace. Enhances intuition, mental clarity & spiritual growth. Associated with the Throat Chakra it facilitates self-expression, communication, & speaking your Truth. Fosters loyalty, commitment, & fidelity, making it useful in relationships both romantic & professional. Helps to release blockages. Physically Can assist with healing on a cellular level, Blood disorders, eye issues & general stress. Depression, anxiety & insomnia.

Garnet  -  A stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The Garnet will help everyone's security level & spiritual awareness. It can help increase the sex drive. The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives. Stimulates success in business. It is said that placing a piece of Garnet under you pillow will help with depression.

Topaz - A soothing, empathetic stone that will direct energy to the place it is most needed. Heals and energizes. Topaz is a promoter of truth and forgiveness.  Increases your awareness of thoughts and deeds and the karmic effects of these. Purifies emotions and actions.  Activates cosmic awareness, removes stagnant energies.

Amethyst - A stone of spiritually & contentment, is highly powerful & protecting stone. Excellent for meditation, bestows strength, invigoration & peace. It helps overcome addictions & blockages, enhances memory & improves motivation, enabling you to set more realistic goals.  Helps with insomnia, if placed into your pillow case.

Citrine - A stone of happiness, wealth & prosperity. Increases  self-confidence, desire & creativity. Strengthens intellect & memory. Holds no negativity. A very calming stone. Some use it to help relieve depression & digestive problems (including constipation & diabetes).

 Size: 8.5


Collections: Jewellery

Catégorie: BBR229, Healing, Jewellery

Types de produits: Jewellery


*Applies to Aust Retail Only