Depression Braclet

Made By Earth

Rose Quartz: Unconditional love & infinite peace. Helps to open the Heart & brings deep inner healing & self love. Calming & reassuring. Excellent in trauma or crisis situations. Attracts love to the wearer, restores trust & harmony, heals a broken heart & comforts in times of grief. Encourages self forgiveness & self acceptance.

Dalmation Jasper: Aids to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself, allowing you to move forward to discover your true purpose. May relieve the need to take revenge on anyone who you feel has done you wrong…as its vibration helps you to release any lack of trust in other people. Brings a childlike joy & a sense of playfulness into your life. The black spots are black tourmaline, aids you with spiritual grounding & psychic protection

Clear Quartz: Known as the “master healer”. Clear Quartz amplifies energy & thought, as well as amplifying the effect of other crystals. Clear Quartz absorbs, releases & regulates energy and draws off negative energy of all kinds. Balances & revitalises the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual planes. Enhances your psychic abilities It aids in concentration & unlocks memory.

Smokey Quartz: A grounding stone. Helps relieve depression. If you need an extra boost, carry one with you. Promotes personal pride & joy in living. Helps to enhance organizational skills, great to have in the home & work place. cleanses & clears negative energy. 

Lapis Lazuli: Helps with clearer thinking & communications. Helps to alleviate pain and migraine headaches. It can help with overcoming depression. Benefits the respiratory & nervous system, the throat, larynx & thyroid. Helps with insomnia & vertigo, lowers Blood Pressure. Boosts the immune system.

Collections: Jewellery

Types de produits: Jewellery


*Applies to Aust Retail Only