The Secret Manifestation Cards

About The Secret Manifestation Cards:

After 17 years of sharing The Secret story through her books, Rhonda Byrne and team are so excited to share their newest release, The Secret Manifestation Cards. The deck contains sixty-five powerful teachings on manifestation that have been simplified, condensed, and made accessible for all—for those who already know and love The Secret, and for those who have yet to discover it.

The Secret Manifestation Cards are a beautiful display of artistry and a wonderful compliment to the documentary, The Secret or one of Rhonda Byrne’s beloved best-selling books. The Secret Manifestation Cards provide the power of quick, daily reminders to continually inspire your manifestation practice.

From Rhonda Byrne: “The Secret Manifestation Cards are designed to keep you inspired, uplifted, and on track as you apply this life-changing knowledge to your own life. The sixty-five cards in the deck are full of The Secret’s most important teachings as well as simple, powerful practices to ensure you create whatever you want—happiness, health, wealth, and anything you can dream of.”


How to use The Secret Manifestation Cards:

The beauty of The Secret Manifestation Cards is there is no right or wrong way to use them to enhance your manifestation practice. The Secret Manifestation Cards can be used as a daily tool, pulling one card each day for sixty-five days and using that card to establish your journal prompt, or by spreading the cards and choosing at random to see what card chooses you; you will find it is the exact card and message you most need that day.

The Secret Manifestation Cards can also be used around the family dinner table, with friends, or in any group setting, discussing and sharing to unlock the potential of each card’s wisdom.


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